யோக அத்தியாயம் - ஜாதக அலங்காரம்
8-9. If the Moon in conjunction with Mars and Saturn occupy Aries or Taurus, the person will be afflicted with white leprosy.
If Venus, Mars, the Moon and Saturn conjoin together in Pisces, Kataka or Scorpio, the person concerned will be devoid of good health, will commit gross sinful deeds and afflicted with red leprosy.
If Jupiter or Venus happen to be the lord of the 6th house, occupy the Ascendant and be aspected by malefics, the person concerned will suffer from facial tumours.
If the three houses signified by Pisces, Kataka and Scorpio be occupied by malefics, the native will be afflicted with long-standing leprosy spread over all his body in spider-like forms.
If Jupiter occupy the 12th house, the person born will suffer from acute troubles in the anus.
If Mars and Saturn be posited in the 12th or the 6th house, the native will suffer from ulcer.
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யோக அத்தியாயம் - Yoga Adhyaya - ஜாதக அலங்காரம் - Jataka Alankaram - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்