விஷ கன்யா அத்தியாயம் - ஜாதக அலங்காரம்
1. A girl born (1) in the asterisms Ashlesha, Krittika and Satabhisha, (2) in the week days – Sunday, Saturday and Tuesday and (3) in the Bhadra Tithis – i.c., Dwitiya, Saptami and Dwadasi – is termed a Visha Virgo when (1), (2) and (3) synchronously combine. That girl will be a Visha Virgo in whose nativity two benefics are in the Ascendant, one malefic in the 10th and two other malefics are in the 6th.
2. Note the following combinations: (1) Saturday, Ashlesha and Dwitiya; (2) Tuesday, Saptami and Satabhisha; (3) Sunday, Dwadasi and Visakha. If a girl be born in any one of these combinations, she will be a Visha Virgo.
Mars in the 9th, Saturn in the Ascendant and the Sun in the 5th in the nativity of a girl make her a Visha Virgo.
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விஷ கன்யா அத்தியாயம் - Visha Kanya Adhyaya - ஜாதக அலங்காரம் - Jataka Alankaram - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்