பாவ அத்தியாயம் - ஜாதக அலங்காரம்
11. If the lord of the 5th house singly or along with Jupiter and Mercury be in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the Ascendant, the person concerned will be devoid of learning.
If they should occupy the 9th house, their own or one of the Kendra houses, the native will be learned.
If at birth the planets concerned be in their infancy or advanced age, the person will have a rather dull understanding.
But if the planet should occupy his own house, he will remove the above defect and make the person born shrewd.
12. The lord of the 5th house or Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th will make the person born dumb.
Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.
Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.
If the lord of the 5th house reckoned from the planet owning the 5th house be posited in a Dusthana and the lords of the 5th, 9th and first houses occupy the 8th, 6th and 12th houses in any nativity, the yoga indicates childlessness.
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பாவ அத்தியாயம் - Bhava Adhyaya - ஜாதக அலங்காரம் - Jataka Alankaram - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்