திருமண முழுமை - ஹோரசாரா
In respect of women, thirteen nights after (mensural) bathing
(from the 5th day of menses through the
17th day), they become fit to conceive. This does not
apply to female children and old women (who have no menstrual
course), sickly women and barren women.
Notes: Sixteen nights after the menses are declared fit for conception according to Ch. 3 of Jataka Parijata. First four days are of course unfit, when there will be mensural flow. But western medical researchers feel, that the week preceding a mensural course is more effective for purpose of conception.
To bear an issue, the sexual intercourse should take place, when Candr is in an Upachaya in reference to her Rasi Kundali and receives a Drishti from a male benefic, or ascend with it.
Notes: As per Sloka 1, the transit Candr should be in Anupachaya from natal Lagn and be in Drishti to Mangal, while, as per this Sloka Candr during intercourse slhould be in Upachaya and receiving a Drishti from a male benefic, Guru. Surya and Sukr in own Navamshas and in Upachaya from Lagn/Candr in a males Kundali and Candr and Mangal in own Navamsh and in Upachaya from Lagn for a female can lead to conception.
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திருமண முழுமை - Consummation of Marriage - பிரிதுயாஸஸ் ஹோரசாரா - Horasara of Prithuyasas - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்