The Justice Party Rule
The Government of India Act of 1935 provided for provincial autonomy and the electoral victory meant the assumption of a major responsibility in the administration of the province. K. V. Reddi Naidu led the Justice Party, while C. Rajagopalachari led the Congress in the South. In the election of 1937, the Congress captured 152 out of 215 seats in the Legislative Assembly and 26 out of 46 in the Legislative Council. In July 1937 the Congress formed its ministry under C. Rajagopalachari. Thus, the rule of Justice Party which introduced important social legislations came to an end.
In 1944 the Justice party conference was held in Salem. There Peraringar Anna passed a resolution thereby the name of justice party was changed as Dravidiar Kalagam.
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Information related to the search:
The Justice Party Rule, justice, party, india, history, rule, congress, legislative, rajagopalachari