British Reforms
There are many historical evidences to suggest that widow remarriage enjoyed social sanction during ancient period in India. In course of time the practice ceased to prevail increasing the number of widows to lakhs during the 19th century.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy |
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar |
Child Marriage
The practice of child marriage was another social stigma for the women. In November 1870, the Indian Reforms Association was started with the efforts of Keshav Chandra Sen. A journal called Mahapap Bal Vivah (Child marriage: The Cardinal Sin) was also launched with the efforts of B.M. Malabari to fight against child marriage. In 1846, the minimum marriageable age for a girl was only 10 years. In 1891, through the enactment of the Age of Consent Act, this was raised to 12 years. In 1930, through the Sharda Act, the minimum age was raised to 14 years. After independence, the limit was raised to 18 years in 1978.
Information related to the search:
British Reforms, india, widow, history, remarriage, years, marriage, child, reforms, chandra, efforts, social, british, raised, minimum, called, reformers, ancient, practice, raja, vidyasagar, july