7ம் பாவம் - கர்கா ஹோரா
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Guru in the 7th Bhava: will be dear to the virtuous, kind, will have many wives and many sos and be friendly in disposition.
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sukr in the 7th Bhava: will be bereft of wife, interested in blaming others, will speak little truth (in.e. sometimes truthful and sometimes not), be hard-hearted and be not inclined towards charity.
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sani in the 7th Bhava: will have a wicked wife, be bereft of sos, be cruel, will perform meritorious acts be pretentious in disposition.
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7ம் பாவம் - 7th House - கர்கா ஹோரா - Garga Hora - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்