British Administration
Lord Cornwallis’ most conspicuous administrative measure was the Permanent Land Revenue Settlement of Bengal, which was extended to the provinces of Bihar and Orissa. It is appropriate to recall that Warren Hastings introduced the annual lease system of auctioning the land to the highest bidder. It created chaos in the revenue administration.
Lord Cornwallis |
(i). The zamindars of Bengal were recognised as the owners of land as long as they paid the revenue to the East India Company regularly.
(ii). The amount of revenue that the zamindars had to pay to the Company was firmly fixed and would not be raised under any circumstances. In other words the Government of the East India Company got 89% leaving the rest to the zamindars.
(iii). The ryots became tenants since they were considered the tillers of the soil.
(iv). This settlement took away the administrative and judicial functions of the zamindars.
Information related to the search:
British Administration, india, settlement, revenue, history, land, company, zamindars, permanent, administration, system, cornwallis, bengal, lord, british, east, years, administrative, annual, lease