முதன்மை பக்கம் » ஜோதிடம் » வேத ஜோதிடம் » பிரிதுயாஸஸ் ஹோரசாரா » கிரகங்களின் தசை, புக்தியின் விளைவுகள்
கிரகங்களின் தசை, புக்தியின் விளைவுகள் - ஹோரசாரா
During the period, when Guru transits the 22nd
Dreshkan from Lagn, or Candrs Rasi, or during the
period, when Guru is in Kon to such 22nd Dreshkan in
Gochara, the subject himself will die.
The Sphutas of Guru and Rahu at birth should be added. When Guru in transit comes to the Rasi thus revealed, or, when Guru is in Kon in transit to such Rasi, death of the native will happen.
Should Surya in transit arrive in a Rasi (or its Konas) represented by the Dwadashamsh Rasi of Randhrs lord, death of the native will take place. Similar results can be predicted, when Surya in transit arrives in the Rasi occupied by Randhrs lord, or its Konas, or, when Surya comes to Vyaya Bhava.
The longitude of Surya must be changed into minutes of arc and multiplied by Rahus longitude converted into minutes. The product should be divided by 21600 and the quotient etc. should be added to the longitude of Surya at birth. Should Surya in transit arrive such a Rasi, or its Konas, death of the native will occur. This is Chanakyas school of thought.
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தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
கிரகங்களின் தசை, புக்தியின் விளைவுகள் - Effects of Dashas and Antar Dashas of the Grahas - பிரிதுயாஸஸ் ஹோரசாரா - Horasara of Prithuyasas - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்