அரிஷ்டம் - ஹோரசாரா
Luminaries in Sahaj Bhava owned by a malefic and yuti with
malefics, make the child sick and live up to 3 years only.
If Candr joins Randhrs lord in a Kendr, while Randhr Bhava is occupied by a Grah, the child leaves this world soon after its birth.
Should the 7th from Candr be occupied by Mangal and Surya, while Rahu is in Lagn, death of the child may be expected within ten days of birth.
Notes: Should Rahu be in Mesh, or Vrishabh, or Kark, as Lagn, he contributes good longevity. Refer to Jatakadesa Marga (Ch.4), Saravali (Ch. 12, s. 10), Jataka Parijata (Ch. 4, s. 90), Sarvartha Chintamani, (Ch. 11, s. 16) and Jataka Marthanda, II Part, (Ayurdhayadhyaya). The Slokas of Saravali, Jataka Parijata and Sarvartha Chintarnani are similar. So to say, if Rahu is in Mesh, or Vrishabh, or Kark in Lagn, while the rest of the combination, as per the Sloka under comment is present, there is good longevity.
Malefics in Bandhu, Randhr, Dhan and Vyaya Bhava will cause sickness and death in l0 days. Should a malefic be in Yuvati Bhava from rising Dreshkan (22nd Dreshkan), while the waning Candr is in Lagn the child faces immediate death.
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அரிஷ்டம் - Arishtam - பிரிதுயாஸஸ் ஹோரசாரா - Horasara of Prithuyasas - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்