11ம் பாவம் - கர்கா ஹோரா
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with great wealth, be fortunate, will win over enemies, will be very liberal and will destroy others.
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Guru in the 11th Bhava: will have many children, will be justly disposed, be acquainted with the king, will defeat enemies and will be famously efficacious.
Surya, Candr, Mangal, Sukr in the 11th Bhava: will gain gold, pearl, ruby and robe, will be broad-minded and be a royal employee.
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11ம் பாவம் - 11th House - கர்கா ஹோரா - Garga Hora - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்