ஆரம்ப மரணம் (பாலாரிஷ்டம்) - பிருஹத் ஜாதகம்
Stanza 9: If Moon joins a malefic in lagna, eclipsed with Mars in the 8th, both mother and child die. Similarly, if Sun is in lagna, death results from weapons. If Moon or Sun occupy the lagna with powerful malefics in trines and the 8th, unassociated with benefics, the child dies
Stanza 10: If Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars occupy the 12th, 9th, lagna and 8th respectively, unaspected by a powerful Jupiter, the child dies quickly
Stanza 11: If Moon is with malefics and occupies a trine, 7th, 8th or 12th and not aspected by or combined with a powerful Venus, Mercury or Jupiter, death comes early
Stanza 12: If Moon in transit joins the house of the most powerful malefic in the above yogas or joins his own place, or the lagna, when he’s strong and has strong malefic aspects, he causes death to the child within one year
‹‹ முன்புறம் | 1 | 2 | 3 |
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
ஆரம்ப மரணம் (பாலாரிஷ்டம்) - Early Death (Balarishta) - பிருஹத் ஜாதகம் - Brihat Jataka - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்