சர தசையின் விளைவுகள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
71-72. There will be enjoyment of the palanquin-like
conveyance in the Dasha of the Rasi (Bhava), from
which the 4th is occupied by Guru. There will be
success in all ventures, great opulence and glory, acquisition
of a kingdom during the Dasha of a Rasi (Bhava), which
has the Yog of the Lord of Lagn, Dharm’s Lord, Karm’s Lord, an
exalted Grah, or benefics. The effects of the Dashas of various
Bhavas should be judged in this manner.
73-77. The effects of the Dashas of each Rasi, or Grah (Nakshatr Dasha) depend on their 18 different kinds of conditions. They are deep exaltation, exaltation, dispositions on their either side, Multrikon, own, Adhimitr, Tatkalik Mitra’s, neutral, enemy’s, Adhisatru’s Rasi, deep debilitation, debilitated, or enemy’s Varg, own Varg, disposition in a Kendr, disposition in a Trikon, defeated in war between Grahas, deep combustion.
78-83½. Acquisition of kingdom, enjoyment and acquisition of more property are the effects of the whole Dasha of the Grah, who is in deep exaltation and is fully equipped with all the six kinds of strength, great opulence and glory with some possibility of affliction with disease are the effects of the Grah, placed in his Rasi of exaltation. The Dasha of a Grah in deep debilitation is called Rikt. Diseases, loss of wealth and danger of death are the effects of the Dasha of such a Grah. The Dasha of the Grah, who is in a condition in between deep exaltation and deep debilitation is known, as Avrohini (descending). The Dasha of the Grah in exaltation, or in a friend’s Rasi is called Madhya (of middle order). This Dasha also yields moderately good effects. The Dasha of a Grah, placed in a condition in between deep debilitation and deep exaltation, is called Rohini (ascending). The Dasha of a Grah, placed in between the debilitated and enemy Navans is called Adham (evil). Dangers of various kinds, distress and sorrows are the results of the Dasha of such a Grah. These Dashas give results, according to their nomenclature.
84-87. The Dashas of other Grahas become auspicious and augment the fortune, if the Lord of Dharm and Guru are in any way related with Yog, Kendr, or the Bhava concerned etc. The Grah with Yog of good fortune at birth produces good effects, when he is free from retrogression and becomes direct. The weakness, inabilities and Yogas of other Grahas should also be taken into account in judging their effects. All those Dashas give full, medium and little effects in accordance with the disposition of the Grahas in the Kendr, Panaphara and Apoklima.
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சர தசையின் விளைவுகள் - Effects of the Chara Dashas - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம் - Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்