இராசி பிரிவின் காரணங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
17-19. Vimshopak Bal. The Shad Vargas consist of
Rasi, Hora, Dreshkan, Navans,
Dvadashans and Trimshans. The full
Bal for each of the divisions, respectively, are 6, 2, 4, 5, 2
and 1. This is the Vimshopak Bal, relating to Shad Varg
division. Adding the Saptans to the Shad Vargas,
we get Sapt Varg, the Vimshopak Bal for which is 5, 2, 3,
2½, 4½, 2 and 1. These are gross strengths, while
subtle ones should be understood by exact positions.
20. Add Dashans, Shodashans and Shashtians to the said Sapt Varg Divisions to get the scheme of Dasha Varg. The Vimshopak Bal in this context is 3 for Rasi, 5 for Shashtians and for the other 8 divisions 1½ each.
21-25. When the 16 divisions (Shodash Varg Scheme) are considered together, the Vimshopak score goes thus: Hora 1, Trimsans 1, Dreshkan 1, Shodashans 2, Navans 3, Rasi 3½, Shashtians 4 and the rest of the nine divisions each a half. The Vimshopak Bal remains as 20, only when the Grah is in own Bhava Vargas. Otherwise, the total strength from 20 declines to 18 in Pramudit Vargas, to 15 in Shant Vargas, to 10 in Svasth divisions, to 7 in Duhkhit Vargas and to 5 in Khal Vargas. (These figures are called Varg Vishwa)
26-27. Vimshopak Proportional Evaluation. Multiply the figure due to full strength for the division by the Varg Vishwa and divide by 20 to get the exact strength of the Grah. If the total is below 5, the Grah will not be capable of giving auspicious results. If it is above 5, but below 10, the Grah will yield some good effects. Later on up to 15 it is indicative of mediocre effect. A Grah with above 15 will yield wholly favourable effects.
28-29. Other Sources of Strength. Maitreya, there are other kinds of sources, as I explain below. Grahas in the 7th from Surya will be fully effective. One with an identical longitude in comparison to Surya’s will destroy the good effects. Rule of three process be applied to the Grah in between these positions.
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இராசி பிரிவின் காரணங்கள் - Divisional Considerations - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம் - Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra - வேத ஜோதிடம் - Vedic Astrology - Astrology - ஜோதிடம்